What the food industry does not tell you about weight loss
At one point, more than half of US residents are trying to
lose weight. With increased body weight in general, as well as higher
correlated illness rates, many people think that diet is their only option for
good health. Unfortunately, anyone who wants to reduce does not do it in a
healthy way. Weight loss is an industry worth over $ 60 billion in the United
States, and much of this industry is dedicated to the sale of products instead
of preserving people's health. Here is an overview of what you may not know
about weight loss.
Types of weight loss techniques
There are many methods to try to lose weight. Restrictive
diets are among the best advertised. These include caloric restriction, in
order to consume less energy than you spend, as well as diets restricting types
of foods, such as diets low in fats, carbohydrates and sugars.
In addition to following a restrictive diet, some people are
also trying to significantly increase their activity. This has an effect
similar to that of a diet that limits calories, but increases the amount of
energy spent instead of decreasing what is spent there. Increasing physical
activity usually requires greater changes in schedule and lifestyle than simply
changing your eating habits, but with additional benefits such as increased
strength and better cardiovascular health .
Finally, devices, supplements and other products intended to
produce weight loss are potentially more profitable for the weight loss
industry. These include diet pills, natural supplements for weight loss
containing acai, African mango and various other substances, in addition to
belts and other devices. It has been proven that the basic premise of some of
these products helps with reduction when combined with other conventional
methods, but most diet pills and other products do not do much to help. They
can even harm your health.
Effectiveness of weight loss
With more than 50% of the weight-conscious population,
weight is expected to decrease. However, most people know little or no change
in weight. Some people even find that their weight increases after trying to
reduce. According to the study, statistics show that between 30% and 60% of
dieters not only recover all the weight they lose during a diet, they actually
become heavier than they were. before starting the diet. These models are valid
in a wide range of techniques to lose weight. Only about 10% of dieters can
maintain their loss after several years, regardless of the weight lost during
the dieting period.
Among those who lose weight effectively, the most viable
goal is to lose about 10% of their highest weight. This is the number
recommended by the National Institutes of Health for obese or overweight
people. Losing more than that can be difficult and is rarely effective.
Many people attribute this lack of effectiveness to a lack
of willingness on the part of the dieter, but recent research has shown that
the problem is more complex than that. A 2011 study in the New England Journal
of Medicine showed that weight loss changes the way the body produces the
hormones associated with metabolism. This means that people trying to reduce
are more hungry and have a greater appetite than before the loss. This lasts at
least a year after weight loss, making it much more difficult to maintain a
weight lower than dieting compared to a person who has never had a weight loss
program. weightloss.
Food hazards
Not only the low efficiency rates make weight loss a
complicated problem. Trying to get rid of fat can also be dangerous. This
problem is more serious with extreme diets that promise to lose a lot of weight
very quickly. These diets can promote muscle loss instead of fat. They also
increase the risk of heart disease, slowing metabolism and other health
problems. Liquid diets, extreme calorie deprivation and fad diets that
eliminate whole categories of foods are the most dangerous; But any type of
diet can be dangerous to your health if you lose weight and gain weight several
times, or "yo-yo".
Diet pills can also cause serious health problems. These
weight loss supplements are usually designed to be taken alone for a short time
and often contain large amounts of caffeine and other stimulants. This type of
diet pill can increase anxiety and irritability, cause insomnia and other
problems of falling asleep, or even cause cardiovascular problems in people
with weak heart. Fat blockers can cause bowel discomfort and other digestive
problems. They can also cause malnutrition by blocking the body's ability to
absorb important vitamins and minerals. Appetite suppressing diet pills can
increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Even herbal weight loss
supplements can have unpleasant side effects, especially in people allergic to
some of their ingredients.
Weight is not everything
These questions about health and efficiency often meet the
claim that fat is fundamentally unhealthy, so everyone should try to lose
weight. In fact, although there are several diseases and conditions associated
with greater weight, they are not necessarily the direct result. While fat
people are much more likely to suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure and
other metabolic problems, the correlation is significantly reduced if these fat
people are active and have a good diet. Thin and sedentary people are actually
at a higher risk than fat people but in good physical condition. It can be fat
and unhealthy, but its weight is not the most important factor. However, this
does not mean that losing weight is not effective.
Who should reduce?
Studies show that if you have diabetes, prediabetes, high
blood pressure or high cholesterol, your condition will probably improve if you
lose about 10% of your body weight. Losing more weight than it does not seem to
offer an added benefit, although it may help you to wear smaller clothes. If
you have any of these conditions, it is important to pay attention to how to
lose weight and do it alone, in combination with proper diet and regular
exercise. These seem to be the most important elements for staying healthy,
regardless of your weight.
The healthiest option
What the diet industry does not want you to know is that
most diet pills, weight loss supplements and diet programs do not work very
well and can even affect your health more than the fat. If you really want to
be healthy, your best option for weight loss is to observe your activity level
and the nutritional content of your diet. Work on preparing fresh vegetables
with at least half of your diet and exercise moderately for about half an hour
a day. This is what the US government recommends for optimal health.
If you decide to reduce your caloric intake, follow a
balanced diet that eliminates no large group of foods and seeks weight loss of
no more than one to two pounds per week. This rate is more likely to produce a
permanent loss without serious health side effects because it is so slow that
your body has the ability to adapt more effectively. You may not be able to
reduce the size of a dress in a month, but you will feel better and stay
healthier in the long run.