You are familiar with the feeling: you feel like you have been eating and exercise and after setting foot on their bathroom scales and awaiting trial. Close your eyes and hope and prey that has lost a little weight; you look down on the screen, open your eyes in disbelief. How is it possible that you did not lose weight?
These are the four reasons why we find it difficult to lose weight and what you can do to help your weight loss:
1. Not enough exercise and unhealthy diet:
"Exactly as it says on the tin" as they say. It is impossible to lose weight while reducing calories in their diet. To see the shot, you must marry calorie reduction with proper exercise.
It is recommended that if you want to maintain your weight, then you should do an average of half an hour of cardio every day if you want to lose weight, then you may want to increase this value for one hour each day. You can do this by walking fast, washing the car by hand or jogging.
Keep a diary of what you eat and then see where it does not go in your eating habits. You should look at the consumption of foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and protein. The ideal is to avoid foods that are high in sugar, saturated fat and salt. There will be times in the day, you will find a little hungry, to avoid this you should snack on nuts or fruits. This will prevent you from eating sugary foods, which will not help to lose weight.
Those of you with major health problems should work with a nutritionist to achieve a diet, you need help losing weight. A nutritionist will also help those who are healthy but wants to know about nutrition. By doing this, you can help you get on track to reduce its weight.
2. Syndrome X
Syndrome X is when the body rejects the insulin in the body. Press travel body insulin in healthy people glucose in the cells of the body where it is converted into fuel that powers the body smoothly. When insulin resistance is evident in the body, prevents glucose from entering the cells of the body, because they do not recognize.
The result is that glucose ends obstruction of blood flow, the liver and then think that the body does not get enough glucose and pump more, resulting in an even higher dose of sugar. As a result glucose back to the liver where it is converted into fat.
With obesity, lack of exercise and a diet rich in carbohydrates can become insulin resistant. Go see your doctor if you think you may be resistant to insulin. Detect if you are resistant not only can help you with your weight loss of insulin but can also help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
3. Avoid stress.
We are all products of the experience, either through memory or genetics. When our ancestors used to go in search of food, their bodies are flooded with adrenaline and cortisol. This was to provide the hunter with an extra energy to take their prey. The result of this is that after the massacre, the hunter became very hungry. Already in the Stone Age, it was necessary for the hunter to survive in the current environment, it is not.
How is it relevant to stress and the world in which we live? When working in the jungle that is the office, we are stressed. This stress a similar effect that the hunter has gone through all these years any. After the stressful event has dissipated, we are always filled with a desire to eat. The most logical thing is to hit chips, delete, or ice cream. Of course, by doing this, you then help your weight gain.
When the stress of feeling diminishes, instead of hitting junk food, try to do some exercise like going for a walk or swim. Your body is now demanding a kind of physical response; so give it a good dose through exercise.
If you need help over come their stress levels on your own, then see a trained therapist to help you overcome your stress level.
4. Hypothyroidism
If you have tried all the above and found that you have not lost weight, then go to your doctor and ask to be tested for thyroid. The thyroid gland is located at the base of the skull and regulates body metabolism. When thyroid levels decrease, your whole body is slowed.
This is known as "hypothyroidism". The result of this requirement is that your body will not need a lot of energy to keep running. This excess energy of the food consumed is then stored in the body and cause weight gain.
With the doctor and perform a simple test, then it can be treated and using your weight loss.
Weight loss is a very difficult thing to do, after all, we are not built the same and each of us is unique. If you find it difficult to lose weight, then you should consult a specialist to help you in your search. You have the will and determination to change their lives through weight loss. It may seem difficult and hard, but you are not alone and there is nothing in this life that can only be achieved if you put your mind to it.
for more informations about weight loss and exercise, visit my blog : , and :
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