For Natural Weight Loss - Eat Whole Foods

The natural weight loss refers to all forms of drop pounds in a natural way - like changing your diet and adding some exercise into your daily routine. Natural weight loss class, I first loss after starting as extreme loss of crash diet or weight caused by a liquid diet or the use of diet pills.
Crash diet - reduce your daily calorie intake to less than 1100 calories - gives an immediate reduction of spectacular weight but not fat that your body is losing. It is water and muscle. Reduction in muscle means your body needs fewer calories to function, so just accumulate the weight back as soon as crash diet ends. A diet with liquid meal replacement "shakes" will result in weight gain even when completed (and means that will not get much fiber your body needs).
Diet pills stop your body from absorbing fat from the foods you eat. It sounds like the ideal solution, but I do not. One of my closest friends have tried them, despite my pleas not, because all the other girls in the office were in them, and a daughter had lost seven pounds in a week. Too many lost weight too fast!
My friend spent $ 25 on the pills and took two days, most of which he spent in the toilet! He felt so sick and tired, she released the rest. I wisely kept my mouth shut and heroically fought back the "I told you so." I'm tempted to say.
I think I would have got a punch in the nose!
It is good to try stuff and quick fixes. The extra weight was not less than a week, so it is not faster - in fact, it takes longer to lose than gain, because excess body fat treasures like a miser hoards gold .
I think the best natural method of reducing weight is to eat a diet of whole foods. It is not a "diet" specific, just a set of guidelines susceptible: -

Eat regularly - at least 3 meals a day with a healthy snack every couple of hours.
Take time to eat, chew well and never eat "on the go".
Eat a variety of different foods every day, and a rainbow of colors in fruits and vegetables 
       are concerned.    
Drink at least 2 liters - 8 glasses - of water a day.
Try to avoid processed and packaged convenience foods and TV dinners. A whole food diet focuses on lean meat and fish in small quantities (or vegetarian soy or legumes), whole grains such as oats, wheat, barley and rye (to mention that them), many fruits and vegetables, and a small amount of "" good fats (unsaturated), as contained in nuts, seeds and olive oil. Too much tea and coffee should be avoided (caffeine blocks the absorption of some vitamins), and alcohol consumption should be moderate.
Salt and sugar should be avoided as much as possible.
Following these guidelines and factoring 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine should lead to better health, greater vitality and if that was not enough, around a fat loss pounds per week.

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