Weight Loss - Using Aerobic Exercises to Lose Weight

Every day, it seems, we hear of some new truths, which may contradict what we have always agreed on a certain part of health and fitness. This may be related to the amount of minerals or vitamins you should or should not consume, the amount of exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, you should have and so on.

What is aerobic exercise?
Some popular examples of aerobic exercise such as walking, cycling, aerobics and swimming. The exercises should include leg muscles, hips and arm muscles with large volumes of inspiration and expiration.

Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
There are a number of benefits that come from doing aerobic exercises that include better blood circulation and respiration. Other benefits are increased muscle tone and form more a feeling of good health. But the most important benefit of aerobic exercise is its effect on weight loss.

A common refuted Truth
Until recently, it was generally accepted that if he practiced with medium intensity for long periods of time, it would be the environment of the most effective fat burning. However, several studies and conclusions fitness experts have shown that continuous hours of aerobic exercise like running is not as successful in burning fat because it was thought to be. Many people report that even after long periods of trot still had excess fat in their bodies.

Best method Fat Burning
Instead of these long periods of exercise has been found that high-intensity exercise for shorter periods was not only less time, but was more effective for fat loss. The reasoning is that the metabolism remains at a higher level for a longer period of time, resulting in more calories burned. Some examples of these high intensity exercises are weight training and interval aerobic exercise.

Another great exercise turns on a stationary bike. This should be done for a period of not less than 20 minutes with sprints of 30-60 seconds. This is an easy routine to do and have no impact on your joints like running on a hard surface.  

If you like to run and not be disturbed by joint pain, it is better on a surface such as grass, dirt, or a racetrack. Try to avoid running on hard surfaces as much as possible to avoid the development of lesions in the joints and spine.

Aerobic Exercise and Your HeartBesides weight loss greatly benefit your cardiovascular system in their aerobics. His heart, of course, is a muscle and can work for many decades. Your heart does not need to be trained like any other muscle in your body, unless you participate in endurance events.

 It may be necessary to train the heart to withstand severe physical and emotional stress. High-intensity exercise will help your heart to endure many difficult situations.

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